We are the rack and ride experts. Let us share some of that expertise.

Introducing the Ezigrip E-Rack 2 Pro e bike rack
Our E-Rack 2 was a favourite amongst ebikers across New Zealand but they still had suggestions for how we could make the ebike rack even better. So we took on their advice and created the E-Rack 2 Pro; a rack built with ebikes in mind that has the robustness and security that all ebike racks demand, with features that make it even easier to use.
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Tech Talks
The great tow ball debate
A you confused by the different tow ball sizes in New Zealand? Have a read about this unique situation and how that affects your bike rack choice.

Tech Talks
Why do I need an ebike specific bike rack?
So I have an ebike, but why do I need an ebike specific bike rack? This article breaks down why a bike rack designed for ebikes is a must have, and not a useless marketing ploy to get you to spend more.

Tech Talks
Introducing the Ezigrip E-Rack 2 Pro e bike rack
Our E-Rack 2 was a favourite amongst ebikers across New Zealand but they still had suggestions for how we could make the ebike rack even better. So we took on their advice and created the E-Rack 2 Pro; a rack built with ebikes in mind that has the robustness and security that all ebike racks demand, with features that make it even easier to use.

Review of the Ezigrip Enduro 2 bike rack
Our Enduro 2 is a lightweight, robust all-rounder for hauling analog bikes. It balances features and price perfectly. See why other's think it's worth a look.

Quick starts
Bike Rack Maintenance: Easy TLC
Your rack will go the distance. To ensure a happy and long life, follow our expert advise on how to care for your rack. Like all mechanical tools, a little TLC goes a long way.

Quick starts
A Guide To Picking The Right Bike Rack
When it comes to the world of bike racks, we are the experts. This guide walks you through all the in's and out's of bike racks to help you find the right rack for you.

Tech Talks
Get to know our favourite ebike rack, the E-Rack 2
Our E-Rack 2 sure is popular. It the bike rack designed for ebikes. With robust construction and a long list of features at a reasonable price, we can see why. Let's take a closer look at what makes this rack so special.